Saturday, November 10, 2012

Using Screen-cast-o-matic to make tutorials!

We have a really cool professional development sessions based around technology every month in our district.  Last month I signed up for a session on "Flipping the Classroom" which is essentially creating videos or other types of instruction for students to view individually, so that class time no longer needs to be used for things that can be done at home.

Using screen-cast-o-matic I was able to create two video tutorials for my students. It was awesome!

What is unique about Screen-cast-o-matic (dang, typing those hyphens is aggravating.) is that it can capture a video of you while also capturing what is going on your screen.

Here is a video that I made for my high school students, showing them a couple different apps that I wanted them to download and become comfortable with.

apps for music 1

Then, when I was preparing for a substitute for my 7th grade music class, I made a video explaining the basics about GarageBand.  On this video, I forgot to turn the video camera on, and actually made a second version with the camera.  It was scary.  So I kept the one without my face in the corner.  I think it was a good decision. :)

Garageband tutorial (7th grade music)

It was really fun, and I will definitely be doing more with this in the future!!

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